“The more justice you seek, the more hurt you become because there’s no such thing as justice. There is whatever there is out there. That’s it. In other words, if people are conditioned to be racist bigots- if they are brought up in an environment that advocates that why do you blame the person for it? They are a victim of a subculture. Therefore they have to be helped. The point is, we have to redesign the environment that produces aberrant behavior. That’s the problem. Not putting a person in jail. That’s why judges- lawyers- “freedom of choice” - such concepts are dangerous, because it gives you mis-information. That the person is “bad”… or that person is a “serial killer”. Serial killers are made just like soldiers become serial killers with a machine gun. They become killing machines, but nobody looks at them as murderers or assassins because that’s “natural”. So we blame people. We say, “Well, this guy was a Nazi - he tortured Jews”. No, he was brought up to torture Jews. Once you accept the fact that people have individual choices and they are free to make those choices… Free to make choices means without being influenced and I can’t understand that at all. All of us are influenced in all of our choices by the culture we live in, by our parents and by the values that dominate. So, we’re influenced- so there can’t be “free” choices. What’s the greatest country in the world?’ - the true answer: I haven’t been all over the world and I don’t know enough about different cultures to answer that question.’ I don’t know anybody that speaks that way. They say ‘it’s the good old USA! the greatest country in the world!’ There is no survey… ‘Have you been to India?’ - ‘No.’ Have you been to England?’ - ‘No.’ Have you been to France?’ - ‘No.’ Then what do you make your assumptions on?’ They can’t answer- they get mad at you. They say, ‘God dammit! Who the hell are you to tell me what to think?!’ You know… Don’t forget: you’re dealing with aberrated people. They are not responsible for the answers; they’re victims of culture and that means they have been influenced by their culture.”
- Jacque Fresco
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